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June Update – Cloud

Dan Gilligan
05 Jun 2017 3min read

We released a whole raft of EPoS updates at the end of last month, and so we are delighted to kick off the new month with a number of new features across our Cloud platform, including a huge update to stock transfers.

Stock Predictions on Transfers

We’ve spoken before about how Kobas makes a great fit for operations with a central kitchen. To aid that, we’ve extended our stock predictions functionality to work on transfers as well as orders.

Whether you’re ordering Ingredients or Products, Kobas will look at your most recent stock take, as well as your average stock level over the past 3 months, and make a prediction on how much of each item you will need to order.

So if you store stock in a central warehouse or kitchen, then your venue staff can still make use of the powerful predictions that Kobas can make.

Estimated Days Remaining

We’ve repurposed the technology that predicts how much stock you need, to estimate how long your current stock will last.

Now, when you visit the Stock Current Position report, you will see an estimated number of days until you run out of an ingredient, based on your historical stock checks, deliveries, and sales, meaning that you will never have to run out of stock again.

Delivery Ingredient Lockdown

The Suppliers section in Kobas allows you to flag whether a particular supplier has “Prices on Delivery Note.” When this flag is checked, it means that the user must enter in the total price of the delivery ‘blind’ and if there is any discrepancy between what was ordered and delivered, Kobas will alert the user.

This function is perfect for ‘market price’ suppliers, where prices are liable to change regularly. We understand that some suppliers will very rarely change their prices and so our latest update locks down who can make price changes at the point of delivery.

If you uncheck this flag, prices will no longer be editable within a delivery, except by privileged users, meaning that no mistakes can be made when receiving a delivery. If you wish to continue using the “Prices on delivery note” function, then we have made no changes and all staff that can receive deliveries will be able to change the prices.

New discount filter on the Daily Sales by Order report

It’s always been possible to filter this report by till, consumption type, or user, but we have now added the ability to filter by discount too. Simply select the “transaction type” drop-down and choose the discount you would like to check on.

Rather than presenting a big list of all the discounts that have ever been used, we only display the discounts that were used on the date you have run the report for, giving you a clear overview of how many times a discount was used, and what items it was applied against.

That’s all for today, but as ever, we’re continually striving to improve and increase our offering. So check in soon for more details, or check our Cloud and EPoS change logs for live updates on each release.

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