- Support for Irish and Spanish locales added to the PLU manager.
- Inn Style bookings can now be updated during a customer’s stay.
- reCAPTCHA v3 added to all customer loyalty portals.
- The Loyalty Report and associated CSV Export have been improved to provide better customer engagement insights.
- The Operational Profitability report has been upgraded to provide analysis based on information from the Kobas FIFO stock system.
- The Stock Predictions engine has been improved to yield forecast predictions for ingredients and products based upon the Kobas FIFO stock system.
- The All Item Sales Report has received a significant performance boost, making it much quicker for larger date ranges and busier venues.
- Venue printers may now be temporarily disabled and enabled in the Cloud venue manager – useful for seasonal changes.
- Cash Log Report enhanced to show Gross Sales and Tab Credit Change.
- Loke integration controls added to the Integrations page and the Venue Manager within the Administration section.
- Right to Work information added to Staff Export CSV.
- Rotas improved to support custom role categories.
- Hours worked pages may now be filtered by rota roles.
- Improved Labour Cost Analysis to include employer pension contributions
- Venue Manager – Sales & Marketing tab: generally tidied up, and introduced the ability to instruct EPoS to prompt till users to set tab covers.
- EPoS PLU Manager – now see Net Margin and GP% in real time when setting price bands.
- Single Use Discount Codes are here!
- Yapster integration.
- Behind the scenes support for Virtual EPoS.
- Performance improvements to the stock engine.
- Copy, performance and accuracy improvements to the All Item Sales and Sales Day Of Week reports.
- Improved the SUCR (Stock Usage Comparison Report) to permit theory vs actual levels to be inverted by client preference.
- Preoday integration improved to use the PLU “Public Name” field if available.
- Hastee Pay integration. If enabled, Staff are presented with an option to opt-in to Hastee Pay on the landing page. Subsequent changes to this preference can be made from their Kobas Preferences.
- A new system preference ‘Pay Details Visibility’ provides a way to restrict users from viewing pay details of staff members who share their seniority level.
- DesignMyNight Integration.
- Update all non-stock paginated tables to have 50 rows by default.
- Cloud navigation bar re-written in native JS to allow use of different front-end frameworks (anticipated move to ReactJS later this year).
- All new Stock Control system.
- Inn Style Integration.
- Display the number of shifts/hours a staff member is working for the week on the rota.
- Inn Style – Ability to split rates across multiple PLUs. New integration settings page to manage that and API updated to use those settings on Inn Style ‘check in’.